Peeree for iPhone.
Peeree is an all-new approach to social networking. Using efficient, decentral technologies, Peeree connects you to new people, protecting your privacy while saving battery life.
Spot people around you through Bluetooth. Pin the people you find if you want to get in touch with them. When you are also pinned, you can chat with each other.
Peeree is now available for download on the App Store.
Feeling lucky? Join the Beta.

Get Started
Setup your Profile
At first you need to provide some information about you, which is presented to people around you.
Although most of it is optional, it is a good idea to provide a speaking nickname and a portrait picture of you. This will let others recognize you better.
Turn on Bluetooth
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on.
Bluetooth is used within the app to connect to other Peeree users around you, and is extraordinary battery-friendly. Stay online and still experience all-day battery life.
Visit a Crowded Location
To be able to see people on your radar, you need to find other Peeree users.
While being online, you will get notified of people using Peeree around you.
Pin Match Someone
Pin someone to show your interest.
He or she won't notice this, unless they pin you in turn. If the interest is indeed mutual, both of you are notified.
Meet up
Don't stick in cyberspace and get in touch after your pin match.
If you are no longer in the same place, arrange a meeting via the encrypted chat.
In decentral networks all participants are connected to each other. Peeree leverages the very efficient Bluetooth® Low Energy technology to connect you with other people around you.
Looking out in the background via Bluetooth Low Energy does exactly what it says in the name: it hardly consumes any power. Your phone will continue to last the whole day.
Your personal information is presented only to people around you. Your portrait, name and gender is broadcast only to them.
The best way to get to know someone is meeting in person. Peeree makes the initial connection and then gets out of your way.
When you meet a person, you might remember him or her – or not. Peeree will not remember anyone, except for whether you found him or her interesting.
We do not collect any of your personal data. Only an anonymous ID is sent to our servers. This ID is not related to your personal identity.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference to established services, especially dating services?
Peeree does three things different, as it is:
- Social: Similar to other services, Peeree is all about meeting new people. However, we believe that it is much better to meet offline. Peeree does not get in your way and serves only one purpose: giving you an opportunity to get to know someone.
- Efficient: Have you ever wondered why your battery drains so quickly and the location indicator is always visible while using certain apps? This will never happen with Peeree, because we never collect unnecessary information. Social relationships - no matter the kind - are and will be private.
- Local: Peeree only shows you people, who are *really* nearby, in the same room, stadium or bus.
Why do I not need to login or register?
When you set up the App, a cryptographical identity is automatically created for you. This identity is tied to your smartphone and is used to recognize you. All without a password - and secure.
Why does Peeree need access to my location?
We do not need your exact location. However, mobile operating systems require access to your (coarse) location in order to use Bluetooth. Peeree only displays your approximate distance to your Pin Matches. Plus: when you are in offline-mode, nobody sees that you are using Peeree.